Reading Journal : Puppy - George Saunders

 Rating : 8.5/10

<Puppy> is a somewhat heartbreaking yet heartwarming story. George Saunders sets two mothers with different levels of wealth, different kids, and different values together and depicts their respective troubles through how they think of each other. Because we're looking at the situation from a third-person perspective, we can see that both mothers love their children dearly and their educational methods were inexplicably derived from their respective environments. However, Marie doesn't think so about Callie. As any person would think so without any information about the circumstances, she thinks of Callie as an abusive mother who chains her child up in the backyard, which digs up her childhood memories of being abused by her own mother. Callie doesn't know what went wrong inside her potential customer, a.k.a. puppy savior's mind, and just wants to save the poor puppy's life. The two contrasting situations and sympathy for Callie made this heart-breaking and heart-warming at the same time. All in all, it was a great read and a impressive story. 


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